Friday, August 29, 2008

Los Niños Héroes

there were six teenage military cadets who died defending Mexico at mexico city's chapultepec castale (then serving as the mexicon army's military academy) from invading u.s forces in the 13 of september1847 on the battel of chapultepec and juan escutia when to the chapultepec castale and wrapped his selfe in the mexicon flag to prevent fron it bieng taken by the enemy so that is way they are my heroes ther names ares
  1. juan de la barrera
  2. juan escutia
  3. fransico marquez
  4. afustin melgar
  5. fernando montes de oca
  6. vicente suarez
they ware heroes for al the mexicon people the iven maide a monument of the los ninos heroes

1 comment:

Ms. Charlotte said...

I've always wanted to learn more about los ninos heroes! Thanks for sharing this information.

I wonder, who were los ninos heroes fighting against? Perhaps they would have viewed the youths as villians? It's interesting to see how people can view the same people so very differently.